About Me

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Presently a post doctoral fellow at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. One of the Associate Editors of "Eastern Quarterly". Writes poetry and short plays, performs and directs plays experimenting different forms of acting methodology and performance aesthetics.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Peace Price

Carry out to the sea,
where your
drifting thoughts flow free.
Because this Sardar[1] land
is crafted with blood…
Guide us to a far distant land,
that only the heart can see.
There we shall paint a great portrait,
of what this world should be.
A place without senseless wars,
and human poverty.
Life without Justice
Is a low estate,--
Cowards shrinking
To an Iron Fate!
You journeyed…
Not for being an Iron Lady!
But for Peace through Justice is supreme;
We'll pay the price of war
to make it real.
A single word can
brighten the face
of many who knows
the value of words.
Ripened in silence,
silence, an immobile mobility
acquires a great energy for war.
But they will speak many,
beating around the bush
for such a lawless law
for the reason that
it is a “disguise war,”
a “violence to institute order”[2].

War is cut short by a word,
and a word heals the wounds,
and there's a word that changes
poison into butter and honey.
Follow the Way.
Don't be fooled
by what you already know.
Be watchful.
Mirror before you speak.
A foolish mouth can brand your soul.

Usham Rojio
19th November 2010

[1] Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
[2] A. Bimol Akoijam argues that AFSPA (Armed Forces Special Powers Act) is a “disguise war” or a “violence to institute order” to the people who doesn’t belong to the Indian state

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